Friday, May 23, 2008

Hate Pink


Whatsup with the pink? The original colors aren't good enough for you? Must you really feminize sports to make it pretty and cute? Save the pink for ur juicy ass-pants and ur uggs boots.. If you're gonna be a fan, just accept the sport for what it is. Don't make it all "chic" and wack.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Chris Tomlin: Awesome or Douchebag?

Chris Tomlin is a famous Christian worship leader and songwriter whose songs are the most sung in Christian circles. He is a major icon in contemporary Christian music and his awesomeness is pretty obvious career-wise. However, there have been stories where fans got a chance to meet him personally and he turned out to be a major ass. In your encounter with Chris Tomlin, was he awesome or a douchebag? Share your story.

We're not haters. Let's get that out of the way. So any comments starting with, "You guys are just jealous" or "F**k you! Chris Tomlin is a lot better then you!" or "You guys are sick" or "You guys are going to hell!!" or "You guys are just HATERS", well, they'll be aptly ignored and most likely deleted.

Instead you can write your hate mail fueled by your blind hatred of this website to and not only will you be able to hate on us, but also keep this site classy.